I made this graffiti quilt for Melanie for her birthday. These are fun to do!
I used variegated thread and a double batt of wool and cotton.
Sideways view of the cat portrait that I am working on. This is my daughter's cat, Cosmo. This piece is about 25 inches square. I wanted to try a snippet technique similar to Danny Amazonas.
Here is the original photo of Cosmo. I'm not sure why that other photo turned sideways, but I will put more photos on it when I finish it, maybe they will be right side up :)

So my portrait is in the middle, you can see it when looking straight at the quilt. When you are on the left side you see my Mom, and when you look at it from the right, you see my daughter.
The trispective quilt had a some time-consuming photoshop work, then I sent it to spoonflower to print. Then a lot of folding and tucking ensued. But I love how it turned out.
This is a 14 inch block, paper-pieced, for our guild raffle quilt. This took me a day and a half to make. Whew! That's precious retreat time. But it turned out pretty.
I got lots of inspiration from my friends at the retreat. I was inspired to do better work, like taking the time to hand applique my Jinny Beyer Craftsy flower blocks. Also, to be more precise while piecing - honestly some people are so picky!! I was also inspired to do more projects for others. I did make two more dog beds out of scraps though... those go to the Humane Society.
Hope to get back to you sooner than later, Karen